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Robolinux (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

MAX Privacy with Robolinux R12.12 - Robolinux

Robolinux (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-04-14

Robolinux Free Download

Robolinux is a free and open-source Linux distribution based on Debian, designed for ease of use and a beautiful desktop experience. It features a modern and customizable desktop environment called LXQt, powered by the latest Qt 5 framework. Robolinux offers a wide range of software applications, including office suites, multimedia players, web browsers, and development tools. It also includes a user-friendly package manager, making it easy to install and update software. With its focus on stability and security, Robolinux is an excellent choice for both beginners and experienced users.

The latest version of Robolinux, codenamed "Apolo", brings numerous improvements and new features. It includes the latest LXQt 0.16 desktop environment, providing a more polished and responsive user interface. Additionally, Apolo introduces a new package management system based on APT and Flatpak, offering users a wider selection of software and improved update management. Robolinux also includes a variety of pre-installed applications, such as LibreOffice, Firefox, and VLC, making it ready to use out of the box. Whether you're a seasoned Linux user or new to the open-source world, Robolinux is worth checking out.

Robolinux: All 3 Robolinux Desktop versions come with new login and grub boot splash screens & LibreWolf browser which has the highest privacy! LibreWolf is a fork of Firefox so you can use its data. The Legacy Bios isos only work in VM's & Non UEFI PC's. Don't miss 50% Off 12+ price only $59.95 Expires April 17th 2024 The 12+ Sale details Robo UNTRACKER Custom Installer FREE! Save $40 FAAST Boot Custom Installer FREE! Save $40 Backdoor security Custom Installer FREE! Save $40 12 Advanced upgrades! Privacy App installers FREE! Stealth VM for FREE! Save $40 C Drive to VM for FREE! Save $40 The UNTRACKER makes you 100% anonymous on the internet so you can stop being tracked & traced by Evil Governments & Spy Agencies! All Robolinux R12 rolling realease Legacy BIOS & UEFI versions have the newest 5.15 Linux Kernel, compilers & software libraries & applications. Each rock solid R12 version has Long Term Support through 2025 Follower of YASHUA! John Martinson