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node-canvas (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS - node-canvas

node-canvas (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-05-01

node-canvas Free Download

Node.js canvas is a popular and efficient library for creating and manipulating images on the server-side. It is widely used in web development for generating dynamic images, such as charts, graphs, and thumbnails. The library offers a comprehensive set of features, including support for various image formats, advanced drawing operations, and text rendering. Additionally, Node.js canvas integrates seamlessly with other Node.js modules, making it easy to incorporate image processing capabilities into web applications.

Node.js canvas is open-source and freely available for download. It is actively maintained and updated regularly, ensuring stability and compatibility with the latest Node.js versions. The library's documentation is extensive and well-organized, providing detailed explanations of its features and usage. Furthermore, Node.js canvas has a large and supportive community, offering assistance and resources for developers working with the library.

node-canvas: If you don't have a supported OS or processor architecture, or you use --build-from-source, the module will be compiled on your system. This requires several dependencies, including Cairo and Pango. Note that libgif/giflib, librsvg and libjpeg are optional and only required if you need GIF, SVG and JPEG support, respectively. Cairo v1.10.0 or later is required. This project is an implementation of the Web Canvas API and implements that API as closely as possible. For API documentation, please visit Mozilla Web Canvas API. (See Compatibility Status for the current API compliance.) All utility methods and non-standard APIs are documented. When MIME data is tracked, PDF canvases can embed JPEGs directly into the output, rather than re-encoding into PNG. This can drastically reduce filesize and speed up rendering. If working with a non-PDF canvas, image data must be tracked, otherwise the output will be junk.