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Powerful and flexible HTTP reverse proxy - Modlishka
Published Date: 2024-04-15
Modlishka, the popular free-to-play online multiplayer role-playing game, has just received a major update. This update brings new content, features, and bug fixes to the game. One of the most notable additions is the new Lost City of El Dorado dungeon. This dungeon is located in the heart of the Amazon rainforest and is filled with ancient traps and deadly creatures.
In addition to the new dungeon, the update also includes a number of new items, including weapons, armor, and potions. These items can be found in the new dungeon or purchased from vendors in the game's cities. The update also includes a number of bug fixes and performance improvements. These fixes address a number of issues that players have been experiencing, such as crashes and lag. With this update, Modlishka is now more stable and enjoyable than ever before. If you're a fan of Modlishka, be sure to download the latest update today.
Modlishka: Modlishka is a powerful and flexible HTTP reverse proxy. It implements an entirely new and interesting approach of handling browser-based HTTP traffic flow, which allows to transparently proxy of multi-domain destination traffic, both TLS and non-TLS, over a single domain, without the requirement of installing any additional certificate on the client. What exactly does this mean? In short, it simply has a lot of potential, that can be used in many use case scenarios. Modlishka was written as an attempt to overcome standard reverse proxy limitations and as a personal challenge to see what is possible with sufficient motivation and a bit of extra research time. The achieved results appeared to be very interesting and the tool was initially released and later updated.