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Lottie (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Render After Effects animations natively on Mobile, Web & React Native - Lottie

Lottie (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-04-15

Lottie Free Download

Lottie is a free and open-source animation library that makes it easy to add beautiful animations to your Android apps. Created by Airbnb, Lottie lets you use After Effects animations in your apps without having to write any code. This makes it a great choice for designers and developers alike who want to add some flair to their apps.

To get started with Lottie, simply download the Lottie library from the Google Play Store. Once you have installed the library, you can start adding animations to your apps by using the LottieAnimationView class. This class allows you to load After Effects animations from a file or URL and play them back in your app. You can also control the playback speed, loop the animation, and set the animation's position and size.

Lottie: Lottie is a wonderful library for Android, iOS, Web, and Windows that works by parsing Adobe After Effects animations that have been exported as json with Bodymovin, and then rendering these natively on mobile and on the web! Now you can have beautiful animations without engineers having to recreate everything by hand. Building animations by hand is time consuming, and other animation alternatives like Gifs and Png sequences don’t offer the same flexibility and varied features that Lottie offers. With Lottie, you can achieve exquisite animations exactly how you want, with no additional engineering effort whatsoever. Take a look at the many beautiful animation possibilities available to you on