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Quite Universal Circuit Simulator Free Download for Windows & Mac
Quite Universal Circuit Simulator Free Download for Windows & Mac

A circuit simulator with graphical user interface (GUI)

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator
DragonOS_Focal Free Download for Windows & Mac
DragonOS_Focal Free Download for Windows & Mac

SharpDevelop Free Download for Windows & Mac
SharpDevelop Free Download for Windows & Mac

A free IDE for C#, VB.NET, & Boo projects on Microsoft's .NET platform

Rescatux Free Download for Windows & Mac
Rescatux Free Download for Windows & Mac

Easy to use Repair distribution for both Gnu/Linux and Windows systems

InfraRecorder Free Download for Windows & Mac
InfraRecorder Free Download for Windows & Mac

CD/DVD burning solution for Microsoft Windows.

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astap program Free Download for Windows & Mac

Stacking program, astrometric (plate) solver, fits file viewer

astap program
TinyCAD Free Download for Windows & Mac
TinyCAD Free Download for Windows & Mac

AnyTXT Searcher Free Download for Windows & Mac
AnyTXT Searcher Free Download for Windows & Mac

A Powerful Desktop Full-Text Search Engine, Just Like Local Google.

AnyTXT Searcher
NFS Free Download for Windows & Mac
NFS Free Download for Windows & Mac

Nagios Core Free Download for Windows & Mac
Nagios Core Free Download for Windows & Mac

Nagios network monitoring software is enterprise server monitoring

Nagios Core