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Yapsy Free Download for Windows & Mac
Yapsy Free Download for Windows & Mac

A fat-free DIY Python plugin management toolkit.

GnuWin32 Free Download for Windows & Mac
GnuWin32 Free Download for Windows & Mac

Free GNUWin32 utility packages

Simulation of Urban MObility Free Download for Windows & Mac
Simulation of Urban MObility Free Download for Windows & Mac

SUMO is a microscopic, multi-modal traffic simulation.

Simulation of Urban MObility
Environment Modules Free Download for Windows & Mac
Environment Modules Free Download for Windows & Mac

Manage your shell environment variables and aliases

Environment Modules
PAC Manager Free Download for Windows & Mac
PAC Manager Free Download for Windows & Mac

PAC Manager
DWSIM - Open Source Process Simulator Free Download for Windows & Mac
DWSIM - Open Source Process Simulator Free Download for Windows & Mac

Simulate chemical processes using advanced thermodynamic models

DWSIM - Open Source Process Simulator
Violet UML Editor Free Download for Windows & Mac
Violet UML Editor Free Download for Windows & Mac

Violet UML Editor
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GsiTestProjects@gsi Free Download for Windows & Mac

QTTabBar Free Download for Windows & Mac
QTTabBar Free Download for Windows & Mac

Open Visual Traceroute Free Download for Windows & Mac
Open Visual Traceroute Free Download for Windows & Mac

Open source cross-platform Java Visual Traceroute

Open Visual Traceroute