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WebAutoType Free Download for Windows & Mac

Adds support to KeePass AutoType for URL matching - WebAutoType

WebAutoType Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-12

WebAutoType Free Download

WebAutoType is a free and open-source software that automates web form filling. It can be used to automatically fill out forms on websites, saving you time and effort. WebAutoType is available for both Windows and Mac. To download WebAutoType for Windows, visit the official website and click on the "Download" button. To download WebAutoType for Mac, visit the App Store and search for "WebAutoType".

Once you have downloaded WebAutoType, install it on your computer. Once installed, you can start using WebAutoType to automate web form filling. To do this, simply open the website that you want to fill out a form on and click on the "WebAutoType" button in your browser toolbar. WebAutoType will then automatically fill out the form for you. You can also use WebAutoType to create your own custom forms. To do this, simply click on the "New Form" button in the WebAutoType toolbar. You can then add fields to your form and specify the data that you want to be entered into each field. Once you have created your form, you can save it and use it to automatically fill out forms on any website.

WebAutoType : This is a plugin to KeePass to allow the AutoType functionality to work with browser URLs as well as window titles. If integration with KeePass Check for Updates is required, install