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VisualCodeGrepper V2.3.2 (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Code security review tool for C/C++, C#, VB, PHP, Java, PL/SQL, COBOL. - VisualCodeGrepper V2.3.2

VisualCodeGrepper V2.3.2 (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-04-14

VisualCodeGrepper V2.3.2 Free Download

VisualCodeGrepper is a fantastic free code search engine that allows developers to quickly and easily find code snippets in a variety of programming languages. It has a vast database of code snippets that is constantly being updated with the latest code from open source projects and repositories. VisualCodeGrepper is an essential tool for any developer who wants to save time and improve their coding skills.

VisualCodeGrepper is easy to use. Simply type in your search query and VisualCodeGrepper will return a list of relevant code snippets. You can then click on a snippet to view it in full. VisualCodeGrepper also offers a number of features that make it even more useful, such as the ability to filter results by language, popularity, and date.

VisualCodeGrepper V2.3.2: VCG is an automated code security review tool for C++, C#, VB, PHP, Java, PL/SQL and COBOL, which is intended to speed up the code review process by identifying bad/insecure code. New beta functionality has been added for R. It has a few features that should make it useful. In addition to performing some more complex checks it also has a config file for each language that basically allows you to add any bad functions (or other text) that you want to search for. It attempts to find phrases within comments that can indicate broken code and it provides stats and a pie chart (for the entire codebase and for individual files) showing relative proportions of code, whitespace, comments, 'ToDo'-style comments and bad code. I've tried to produce something which searches intelligently for buffer overflows and signed/unsigned comparison in C, violations of OWASP recommendations in Java code, etc. Current version: 2.3.2