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Toxtree: Toxic Hazard Estimation Free Download for Windows & Mac

Toxicity prediction for chemical compounds - Toxtree: Toxic Hazard Estimation

Toxtree: Toxic Hazard Estimation Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-13

Toxtree: Toxic Hazard Estimation Free Download

Toxtree is a free chemical toxicity prediction software tool available for download and use on Windows and Mac operating systems. Developed by the European Chemicals Bureau, this comprehensive application leverages advanced algorithms to assess the hazardous properties of chemical substances, providing valuable insights into their potential toxicity to humans and the environment. Toxtree features an intuitive interface, making it accessible to users of all backgrounds, from scientists and researchers to occupational health and safety professionals.

The software predicts a wide range of toxicity endpoints, including acute oral, dermal, and inhalation toxicity, developmental toxicity, genotoxicity, carcinogenicity, skin and eye irritation, aquatic toxicity, and biodegradability. By utilizing a combination of read-across techniques, expert knowledge, and quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs), Toxtree enables users to screen chemical substances for potential hazards without the need for extensive animal testing. This helps in minimizing time, resources, and ethical concerns associated with animal experimentation, while providing valuable information for risk assessment and regulatory compliance.

Toxtree: Toxic Hazard Estimation : A GUI application which estimates toxic hazard of chemical compounds. The latest version includes the following toxicity prediction modules: -Cramer rules (oral toxicity) -Toxicity mode of action via Verhaar scheme -Skin irritation and Eye irritation prediction -Benigni / Bossa rulebase for mutagenicity and carcinogenicity prediction -START biodegradation and persistence prediction -Skin sensitisation reactivity domain -Kroes TTC Decision tree -SMARTCyp - Cytochrome P450-Mediated Drug Metabolism and metabolites prediction -Structure Alerts for the in vivo micronucleus assay in rodents (ISSMIC) -Structural Alerts for Functional Group Identification (ISSFUNC) -Structural alerts associated with covalent protein binding and DNA binding. - Ames mutagenicity Toxtree provides a plugin framework to incorporate different approaches to the estimation. Platform independent (written in Java), with the use of The Chemistry Development Kit.