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shadowsocks-libev (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Bug-fix-only libev port of shadowsocks - shadowsocks-libev

shadowsocks-libev (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-05-01

shadowsocks-libev Free Download

Shadowsocks is a free and open-source software that allows users to access the Internet securely and privately. Shadowsocks-libev is a fork of Shadowsocks that is known for its high performance and stability. It is available for download on Windows, Mac, Linux, and Android.

To download Shadowsocks-libev, visit the official website and select the appropriate version for your operating system. Once you have downloaded the software, install it and follow the instructions to configure it. Shadowsocks-libev is easy to use and can be configured in a few minutes. Once it is configured, you can start using it to access the Internet securely and privately.

shadowsocks-libev: Shadowsocks-libev is a lightweight secured SOCKS5 proxy for embedded devices and low-end boxes. Shadowsocks-libev is written in pure C and depends on libev. It's designed to be a lightweight implementation of shadowsocks protocol, in order to keep the resource usage as low as possible. Snap is the recommended way to install the latest binaries. You can build shadowsocks-libev and all its dependencies by script. The latest shadowsocks-libev has provided a redir mode. You can configure your Linux-based box or router to proxy all TCP traffic transparently, which is handy if you use an OpenWRT-powered router. Although shadowsocks-libev can handle thousands of concurrent connections nicely, we still recommend setting up your server's firewall rules to limit connections from each user. We strongly encourage you to install shadowsocks-libev from jessie-backports-sloppy.