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Selenium-python Helium (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Selenium-python but lighter: Helium is the best Python library - Selenium-python Helium

Selenium-python Helium (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-05-01

Selenium-python Helium Free Download


Selenium-python Helium is a free and open-source automation framework for web browsers. It is designed to be easy to use and can be used to automate a wide variety of tasks, including testing, scraping, and data extraction. Selenium-python Helium is based on the Selenium WebDriver API, which is used by many other popular automation frameworks. However, Selenium-python Helium is unique in that it is written in Python, which makes it easy to integrate with other Python tools and libraries.

Selenium-python Helium is available for download from the Python Package Index (PyPI). To install Selenium-python Helium, simply run the following command in a terminal window: pip install selenium-python-helium. Once Selenium-python Helium is installed, you can import it into your Python scripts and start using it to automate your web browsing tasks. Selenium-python Helium is a powerful and versatile automation framework that can be used to save you time and effort by automating repetitive tasks.


Selenium-python Helium: Under the hood, Helium forwards each call to Selenium. The difference is that Helium's API is much more high-level. In Selenium, you need to use HTML IDs, XPaths and CSS selectors to identify web page elements. Helium on the other hand lets you refer to elements by user-visible labels. As a result, Helium scripts are typically 30-50% shorter than similar Selenium scripts. What's more, they are easier to read and more stable with respect to changes in the underlying web page. Selenium-python is great for web automation. Helium makes it easier to use. Helium ships with its own copies of ChromeDriver and geckodriver so you don't need to download and put them on your PATH. Unlike Selenium, Helium lets you interact with elements inside nested iFrames, without having to first "switch to" the iFrame. Helium notices when popups open or close and focuses / defocuses them like a user would. You can also easily switch to a window by (parts of) its title.