- Platform Independent Petri Net Editor
Published Date: 2024-04-13
In the realm of formal verification, Petri nets stand out as a powerful tool for modeling and analyzing concurrent and distributed systems. With their intuitive graphical representation and mathematical foundation, Petri nets have gained widespread adoption in a variety of fields, including software engineering, system biology, and performance evaluation. To facilitate the creation and analysis of Petri net models, the Platform Independent Petri Net Editor (PIPE) software has emerged as a popular choice among researchers and practitioners.
PIPE is an open-source, cross-platform Petri net editor with a user-friendly interface and a comprehensive set of features. It supports the creation, editing, and simulation of various Petri net variants, including ordinary, colored, and timed Petri nets. PIPE's intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it easy to construct complex Petri net models, while its powerful simulation engine allows for detailed analysis of system behavior. Additionally, PIPE offers a wide range of analysis capabilities, such as reachability analysis, model checking, and performance analysis, enabling users to verify the correctness and optimize the performance of their Petri net models.
Platform Independent Petri Net Editor : IMPORTANT NOTICE: This project has moved to GitHub: https://github.com/sarahtattersall/PIPE Releases will be posted here, but please check on GitHub for the most recent activity. Create, model and analyse Petri nets with a standards-compliant Petri net tool. PIPE2 is the active fork of the Platform Independent Petri net Editor project, which originated at Imperial College London.