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NAnt - A .NET Build Tool Free Download for Windows & Mac

- NAnt - A .NET Build Tool

NAnt - A .NET Build Tool Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-11

NAnt - A .NET Build Tool Free Download

NAnt is a free and open-source build tool for the .NET platform. It is designed to be simple, flexible, and extensible, and it can be used to build a wide variety of software projects. NAnt is written in C# and it runs on Windows and Mac OS X.

NAnt is a powerful tool that can be used to automate the build process for software projects. It can be used to compile code, run tests, create documentation, and deploy applications. NAnt is also extensible, which means that it can be customized to meet the specific needs of a project.

NAnt - A .NET Build Tool : NAnt is a Ant like build tool for .NET