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JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin Free Download for Windows & Mac

A JSON viewer plugin for notepad++ - JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin

JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-12

JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin Free Download

If you're a coder working with JSON data, the JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin is a must-have tool. This free and open-source plugin provides a user-friendly interface for viewing, editing, and validating JSON data within the Notepad++ text editor. With JSONViewer, you can easily format, color-code, and collapse/expand JSON structures for improved readability and navigation.

Key features of the JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin include syntax highlighting, error checking, auto-completion, and the ability to export JSON data to various formats. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer, the JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin can significantly enhance your workflow and make working with JSON data a breeze. Download it today for free and experience the convenience and efficiency it offers!

JSONViewer Notepad++ plugin : A JSON viewer plugin for notepad++. Displays the selected JSON string in a tree view. ==Repo Moved to Github==