Headphone Surround Virtualizations for Equalizer APO - HeSuVi
Published Date: 2024-04-10
HeSuVi is an advanced video editor that is available for free download for Windows and Mac. It is a powerful tool that allows users to create professional-looking videos with ease. HeSuVi has a wide range of features, including video editing, audio editing, and special effects. It also supports a variety of file formats, making it a versatile choice for video editors of all levels.
HeSuVi is a great choice for users who are looking for a free, powerful, and easy-to-use video editor. It is perfect for creating home movies, school projects, and other personal videos. HeSuVi is also a good choice for small businesses and startups that need to create professional-looking videos on a budget. If you are looking for a free video editor that can help you create amazing videos, HeSuVi is the perfect choice.
HeSuVi : This tool imitates the 7.1 to binaural sound effect of many surround virtualizations by making use of Equalizer APO's convolution filter. Available are impulse response that were recorded with activated... – Dolby Atmos Headphone – CMSS-3D – SBX Pro Studio Surround (also found in BlasterX Acoustic Engine & THX TruStudio Pro) – Dolby Headphone – Sennheiser GSX Binaural 7.1 – DTS Headphone:X – Windows Sonic Headphone – Dolby Home Theater v4 Headphone Surround Virtualizer – Razer Surround – Out Of Your Head – Flux HEar V3 – OpenAL and DirectSound3D HRTFs – Waves Nx – and many more! Visit the wiki for more information on how it works and how to set up: https://sourceforge.net/p/hesuvi/wiki/Help/ A little demonstration video can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlqpG2euh50 Equalizer APO by Jonas Thedering has to be installed first: https://equalizerapo.sourceforge.io