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GPX Editor Free Download for Windows & Mac

- GPX Editor

GPX Editor Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-12

GPX Editor Free Download

If you are looking for a way to edit GPX files, then you must download a GPX editor. A GPX editor is a software application that allows you to view, edit, and save GPX files. GPX files are XML files that store geographic data, such as waypoints, tracks, and routes. They are often used by hikers, cyclists, and other outdoor enthusiasts to plan and track their activities.

There are many different GPX editors available, both free and paid. Some of the most popular free GPX editors include GPS Track Editor, GPX Editor, and GPS Visualizer. These editors offer a variety of features, such as the ability to view GPX files on a map, edit waypoints and tracks, and create new GPX files. Some editors also offer additional features, such as the ability to convert GPX files to other formats, or to share GPX files with others online.

GPX Editor : Load, modify and save your GPX 1.1 files. Add and remove waypoints, edit track and routes, simplify tracks (reducing file's size), clean recorded data, add and edit GPX metadata, edit waypoint, route and track properties, all with real-time preview.