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gitstatus (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Git status for Bash and Zsh prompt - gitstatus

gitstatus (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-05-01

gitstatus Free Download

The GitStatus project is a full-featured status page system. It offers a wide range of features and integrations, such as incident management, on-call scheduling, and real-time notifications. GitStatus is hosted on GitHub and is open source, making it free to use and customize.

To get started with GitStatus, you can download the project from GitHub. Once you have downloaded the project, you can install it on your server. GitStatus requires a few dependencies in order to run, such as Node.js, PostgreSQL, and Redis. Once you have installed the dependencies, you can run the GitStatus server. GitStatus comes with a web interface that you can use to manage your status page. You can use GitStatus free of charge, however, If you require additional features, such as premium support and unlimited integrations, you can purchase a subscription.

gitstatus: gitstatus is a 10x faster alternative to git status and git describe. Its primary use case is to enable fast git prompt in interactive shells. Heavy lifting is done by gitstatusd -- a custom binary written in C++. It comes with Zsh and Bash bindings for integration with shell. The easiest way to take advantage of gitstatus from Zsh is to use a theme that's already integrated with it. For example, Powerlevel10k is a flexible and fast theme with first-class gitstatus integration. If you install Powerlevel10k, you don't need to install gitstatus. This will give you a basic yet functional prompt with git status in it. It's over 10x faster than any alternative that can give you comparable prompt. In order to customize it, set PROMPT and/or RPROMPT at the end of ~/.zshrc after sourcing gitstatus.prompt.zsh. Insert ${GITSTATUS_PROMPT} where you want git status to go.