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GitHub Actions for Firebase (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

GitHub Action for interacting with Firebase - GitHub Actions for Firebase

GitHub Actions for Firebase (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-04-14

GitHub Actions for Firebase Free Download

Automate your Firebase workflows seamlessly with GitHub Actions. This free and powerful tool integrates with your GitHub repository, enabling you to trigger automated actions based on events within your Firebase project. From deploying new code to sending notifications, GitHub Actions empowers you to streamline your software development process and accelerate your productivity.

With GitHub Actions, you can effortlessly set up automated tasks such as building and testing your code, deploying updates to Firebase Hosting, and sending notifications to your team upon successful deployments. The integration between GitHub and Firebase provides a seamless and efficient way to manage your Firebase projects, ensuring that your code is always up-to-date and your team is always informed. GitHub Actions offers a user-friendly interface, making it easy to configure and customize your automated workflows. Embrace the power of automation and simplify your development process with GitHub Actions for Firebase today!

GitHub Actions for Firebase: This Action for firebase-tools enables arbitrary actions with the firebase command-line client. Starting with version v2.1.2 each version release will point to a versioned docker image allowing for hardening our pipeline (so things don't break when I do something dump). On top of this, you can also point to a master version if you would like to test out what might not be deployed into a release yet. If you want to add a message to a deployment (e.g. the Git commit message) you need to take extra care and escape the quotes or the YAML breaks. A normal service account key(json format) or a base64 encoded service account key with the needed permissions for what you are trying to deploy/update. If you're deploying functions, you would also need the Cloud Functions Developer role, and the Cloud Scheduler Admin for scheduled functions.