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DB Designer Fork Free Download for Windows & Mac

- DB Designer Fork

DB Designer Fork Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-13

DB Designer Fork Free Download

DB Designer Fork is a free, open-source database design tool that allows users to create and edit database schemas. It is a fork of the popular DB Designer 4 tool, and it includes many of the same features, such as the ability to create entity-relationship diagrams, generate SQL code, and reverse engineer databases. However, it also includes some new features, such as support for MySQL 8.0 and MariaDB 10.5. DB Designer Fork has been downloaded over 1 million times, and it is one of the most popular database design tools available, specifically for Windows and Mac.

DB Designer Fork is a powerful tool for database design. It is easy to use and can be used by both beginners and experienced users. It is also very well-documented, with a comprehensive user manual and a large number of tutorials available online. If you are looking for a free database design tool, I highly recommend DB Designer Fork. It is one of the best tools available, and it makes it easy to create professional-quality database designs. You can easily download the software for Windows & Mac on the official website of DB Designer Fork.

DB Designer Fork : DB Designer Fork is a fork of the fabFORCE DBDesigner 4. It integrates entity relationship design,front-end (you can run queries) and SQL exporting.DB Designer Fork generates SQL scripts for Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, FireBird, SQLite and PostgreSQL.