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Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Soft. Free Download for Windows & Mac

- Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Soft.

Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Soft. Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-13

Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Soft. Free Download

Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software (ATLAS) is a high-performance linear algebra library for C and Fortran programs that optimizes performance for a specific computer architecture. It is freely available for download for Windows and Mac operating systems. ATLAS can be used to perform a wide range of linear algebra operations, including matrix multiplication, matrix inversion, and solving systems of linear equations. It is designed to be easy to use and provides a high level of performance for a variety of applications.

ATLAS is particularly well-suited for use in scientific computing and engineering applications. It can be used to solve large-scale linear algebra problems that arise in a variety of fields, including computational fluid dynamics, computational chemistry, and signal processing. ATLAS can also be used to accelerate the performance of machine learning algorithms and other data-intensive applications.

Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Soft. : ATLAS (Automatically Tuned Linear Algebra Software) provides highly optimized Linear Algebra kernels for arbitrary cache-based architectures. ATLAS provides ANSI C and Fortran77 interfaces for the entire BLAS API, and a small portion of the LAPACK AP