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ArchMint Free Download for Windows & Mac

ArchMint GNU/Linux Distro - ArchMint

ArchMint Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-13

ArchMint Free Download

ArchMint is a free and open-source operating system based on the Arch Linux distribution. It is designed to be easy to use, while still providing all of the features and functionality of Arch Linux. ArchMint is a rolling release distribution, which means that it is constantly updated with the latest software and security patches. This makes it a great choice for users who want to stay up-to-date with the latest technology.

ArchMint is available for both Windows and Mac computers. It is easy to install and can be run from a USB drive or a hard drive. ArchMint is a great choice for users who are new to Linux or who want a lightweight and customizable operating system. It is also a good choice for users who want to run Arch Linux on a computer that does not meet the hardware requirements of the official Arch Linux distribution.

ArchMint : 2007 y?l?nda Edgar Colby ve Necho Carlota taraf?ndan Portekiz ve Brezilyal? kullan?c?lar? Arch Linux tabanl? kolay kurulabilen bir GNU/Linux da??t?m? ile bulu?turmak ad?na ArchMint projesi ba?lam?? ve 2013 y?l?na kadar Gnome 2 masaüstüne sahip 4 ayr? ana sürüm yay?nlanm??t?r. 2013 y?l?nda Mate masaüstü ortam?na geçi? ile birlikte projeye Hasan Arslan ve Tekin Özer dahil olmu?tur. 2014 y?l?nda projenin ba?lat?c?lar? olan Edgar Colby ve Necho Carlota'n?n projeden ayr?lmas? ile birlikte proje ismine ithafen Arch Linux'un sa?laml??? ve Linux Mint'in aç?k kaynak kodlu araçlar? birle?tirilerek 2 yeni sürüm haz?rlanm??t?r. ArchMint projesi, 2016 y?l?nda tüm geli?tiricilerin ayr?lmas? ile birlikte ask?ya al?nm??t?r. 2017 - 2020 y?llar? aras?nda eski geli?tiriciler birkaç sürüm yay?nlam?? fakat devam? gelmemi?tir. ArchMint paket deposu hala günceldir ve Arch Linux içinde kullan?labilir. [archmint] SigLevel = Never Server =$arch