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Arch Linux Fast Install Free Download for Windows & Mac

Install Arch Linux with 2 lines of code - Arch Linux Fast Install

Arch Linux Fast Install Free Download for Windows & Mac

Published Date: 2024-04-13

Arch Linux Fast Install Free Download

Arch Linux Fast Install : # archfi Just a simple bash script wizard to install Arch Linux after you have booted on the official Arch Linux install media. With this script, you can install Arch Linux with 2 lines of code. This wizard is maked to install minimum packages (base, grub and optionally efibootmgr). At the end of this wizard, you can install or launch archdi (Arch Linux Destop Install) to install and configure desktop packages. archdi project : You can watch my videos to show how to use it : How to use : Boot with the Arch Linux image : Download the script : wget or if sourceforge is down : wget And launch the script : sh archfi