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Android Contacts, Reborn (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Android Contacts API Library written in Kotlin - Android Contacts, Reborn

Android Contacts, Reborn (free) Download Full | **UPDATE

Published Date: 2024-04-14

Android Contacts, Reborn Free Download

Android Contacts, Reborn is an alternative to the stock contacts app on Android devices. It offers a range of features to manage your contacts, including the ability to create custom groups, add notes and photos, and link contacts to social media accounts. The app also includes a powerful search function to help you find contacts quickly and easily. Android Contacts, Reborn is free to download and use, and it is available for all Android devices running Android 4.0 or later.

The latest version of Android Contacts, Reborn includes a number of new features and improvements. These include a new design that is more intuitive and easier to use, as well as a number of new features to help you manage your contacts. For example, you can now create custom groups for your contacts, add notes and photos to contacts, and link contacts to social media accounts. The app also includes a powerful search function to help you find contacts quickly and easily.

Android Contacts, Reborn: This library provides a complete set of APIs to do everything you need with Contacts in Android. You no longer have to deal with the Contacts Provider, database operations, and cursors. Whether you just need to get all or some Contacts for a small part of your app (written in Kotlin or Java), or you are looking to create your own full-fledged Contacts app with the same capabilities as the AOSP Android Contacts app and Google Contacts app, this library is for you.